
Artists of Oriental Republic of Uruguay Showcases Their Photographic Works in RUC

07 Dec,2009 views

RUC School of Arts held the Opening Ceremony of the exhibition of Uruguayan artists’ photographic works on Nov.16th, 2009.

Mr. Fernando Rodriguez Urena, Ambassador of Bolivia to China, H.E. Mr. Fernando Reyes Matta, Ambassador of Chile to China, Mr. Erick Rivera Claussen, Minister of Bolivia to China, Mr. Marcelo, Chargé d`Affaires of Uruguay to China, Mrs. Sheila Carey, Minister of Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Mrs. Julia Hyatt, Minister-Counselor of Jamaica to China, and Mr. Alfredo Miranda, Minister of the United Mexican States to China, were invited to the opening ceremony. RUC President Ms. Xue Huanbai delivered the congratulatory address. Prof. Xu Qingping, Dean of RUC School of Arts, Prof. Xu Jun, Deputy Dean, Associate Prof. Bie Min, Deputy Dean, Prof. Zhu Dongping, Director of Department of Art and Design, and more than 100 teachers and students from School of Arts attended the ceremony that was chaired by Associate Prof. Bie Min.
RUC Vice-President Ms. Xue Huanbai on behalf of Renmin University extended her warm welcome to all the diplomatic dignitaries and artists to RUC and delivered her congratulations on the exhibition. She said that RUC had always been attaching great importance to international communication and the exhibition would play an active role in promotion of artistic exchanges between Renmin University and American countries.
Prof. Xu Qingping, Dean of RUC School of Arts, gave a speech that art was an important tie for the world’s communication and this exhibition provided a good platform for the exchanges between Chinese and overseas artists.
Mr. Fernando Rodriguez Urena, Ambassador of Bolivia to China, and Mr. Marcelo, Chargé d`Affaires of Uruguay to China, addressed respectively. They introduced the information of the artists and their photographic works, expressed their heartfelt appreciation for the great support of RUC and School of Arts, and also would like to develop more cultural exchange programs with RUC in the future.
This exhibition displayed more than 50 photos vividly describing the local customs of Bolivia, which showed the artists’ creative concepts of concerning about life and society as well as the purity and integrity of their minds.
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