
Well-Known Violinist Qian Zhou on Invitation Delivers Lectures in Our School

21 Dec,2009 views

Well-Known violinist and educator Qian Zhou is one of the youngest violinists who won not only the First Grand Prize, but also other Prizes in the Marguerite Long/Jacques Thibaud Competition in Paris and other major international Competition As well. Invited by school of arts, RUC, she visited Department of Music in our school and hold a Master class in the department in Dec.15th, 2009. During her visit, Dean of Department of Music professor Zhao Fang, Professor Yang Gefang, associate professor Chen Xiaowei and teacher Qian Jun had a seminar with violinist Qian Zhou on violin pedagogy and educational communication. Professor Zhao Fang on the behalf of our school awarded Letter of Appointment of Part-time Professor to Violinist Qian Zhou.
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