From March 9th to 16th,2017, representatives from School of Arts were invited to attend a symposium on The Current State and the Future of the Lost Afghanistan Cultural Heritages in Hirayama Ikuo Art Museum, and they visited Tokyo University of the Arts, Kyoto University and Ryukoku University. They visited Relic Conservation Laboratory in Tokyo University of the Arts, Ide’s Laboratory in Kyoto University, World Buddhist Culture Research Center and the Museum in Ryukoku University, and discussed building cooperative relations with these universities.
研讨会现场 symposium
Present Dean Prof. DING Fang’s Portfolio to Madam Hirayama Michiko, she was awarded a badge of honor by Afghanistan government
The symposium The Current State and the Future of the Lost Afghanistan Cultural Heritages was to memories Mr. Hirayama Ikuo, many important experts on Afghanistan study in Japan attended the event. During the symposium, Dr. Masanori NAGAOKA, Chief of UNESCO Culture Unit Kabul Office, more than once mentioned the contributions and efforts School of Arts RUC has made for the sustainable development of Afghanistan cultural heritage, he pointed out that this is the very first official action from China. And Renmin University of China will definitely play a significant role in the process of international community assisting Afghanistan cultural reconstruction.
Presented Dean Prof. DING Fang’s Portfolio to Prof. MAEDA Kousaku, Dean of Institute of Afghanistan Study
Tokyo University of the Arts has developed a patented technology for recovering cultural heritages based on the combination of cutting-edge technology and traditional Japanese painting technique, and they successfully recovered the mural painting on the ceiling of Eastern Buddha niche in Bamiyan. Representatives from our school visited their laboratory and the recovered Bamiyan mural, acquired some general ideas about the materials and techniques. School of Arts has built cooperative relation with Tokyo University of the Arts in January, this visit deepened the communication between both parties.
在京都大学井手实验室与井手教授讨论问题 Discuss with Prof. Ari IDE in Ide’s Laboratory of Kyoto University
Ide’s Laboratory in Kyoto University has been committed to the development and application of “Science and Technology for Art”, they developed the world-leading advanced imaging technology in ultra-high-resolution which has been widely used in world cultural heritage preservation. School of Arts will explore cooperative relation with Ide’s Laboratory soon to protect cultural heritages in “Belt and Road”countries.
与龙谷大学互赠书籍 Presenting Books Mutually with Ryukoku University
龙谷大学复原柏孜克里克第15窟作品 图片来自龙谷大学官方网站
Cave 15 Bezeklik Grottoes Recovery work done by Ryukoku University, picture is from official website of Ryukoku University
龙谷大学复原柏孜克里克第15窟作品 图片来自龙谷大学官方网站
Cave 15 Bezeklik Grottoes Recovery work done by Ryukoku University, picture is from official website of Ryukoku University
Ryukoku University has 378 years’ history, not only its Buddhist culture and art study ranks top around the world, it also gained extraordinary achievements in cultural relics conservation and recovery. In 2001, Ryukoku University recovered murals in Cave 15 Bezeklik Grottoes, the partially recovered cave is on display in Ryukoku Museum. School of Arts is discussing about cooperating with World Buddhist Culture Research Center to promote the “Belt and Road” Buddhist art and culture research.